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The resources offered below provide introductory information regarding patient-reported outcomes (PROs).

Resources Description Free or Fee

Centre for Patient-Reported Outcome Research (CPROR), University of Birmingham Short Course “Successfully Incorporating Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) in Clinical Trials” (in-person course)

This 2-day course will provide a detailed understanding of the importance of PROs in clinical trials and best practices for their selection and successful incorporation into a trial. The course will also consider the capture of PROs, their analysis and reporting and how their impact on clinical practice can be maximised. Fee

International Society for Quality of Life Research “Introduction to Quality of Life and Patient-Reported Outcomes” (virtual, on-demand course)

Collecting and acting upon Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs) is one of the cornerstones of patient-centered care. PROs include symptoms, some aspects of function, health perception, health related quality of life and quality of life. Choosing the right set of PROs can be challenging as there are many options, each with advantages and disadvantages.

This intensive online course offers a curriculum that will provide a basic level introduction to the why and how of using PROs in research.


International Society for Quality of Life Research “Introduction to Patient-Centered Outcomes for the Pharma/Biotech Industry” (virtual, on-demand course)

Patient-centered outcomes (PCO) research is crucial to successful product development in the pharmaceutical/biotechnology industry. PCO research scientists seeking to pursue a career aligned with this industry should understand the product development process, the product lifecycle, the scientific communication process and interactions with key industry stakeholders – both internal and external (i.e., regulators and payers). Fee

ISPOR Short Course “Introduction to Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessment: Instrument Development & Evaluation” (in-person course)

Patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures are used to quantify the impact of interventions from the patients' perspective. This course is designed to familiarize participants with the range and scope of what PRO measures are used for, how they are developed and evaluated, what they measure, and how PRO data can be used in clinical trial, or clinical care applications. We will discuss the properties of a good PRO measure. Participants will be able to identify steps researchers generally go through to develop and test a new PRO measure, including item generation, qualitative cognitive testing, and quantitative psychometric evaluation. Fee
“PROs for Patient Advocates” available at (web resource) Patient and public involvement (PPI) in the design of studies can help ensure that the research is relevant and meaningful to patients. This resource provides information for patient advocates who may be involved in research design as a participant in a PPI group or as formal member of the research team. Free
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