Optimizing Implementation of Universal Psychosocial Screening to Improve Health Equity in Pediatric Cancer
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Lamia Barakat (Principal Investigator)
Here you can learn more about the “Optimizing Implementation of Universal Psychosocial Screening to Improve Health Equity in Pediatric Cancer,” which is part of the PROTEUS Learning Health Network. The Learning Health Network is focused on improving the use of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in oncology clinical practice. Also, you can read about the valuable insights that have emerged from their participation in the Learning Health Network.

Megan Perez, PhD, MBA

Lamia P. Barakat, PhD

Susanna Vargo, MSW, LCSW

Anne Reilly, MD, MPH

Charles Phillips, MD, MSHP

Lisa Schwartz, PhD

Nithya Ramaswamy, BS

Ashley Anil, MS

Patricia Burns-Lynch, RN, MSN, CPHON

Zoe Kearns, MEd
Project Overview
We are implementing a universal psychosocial screening program (patient and caregiver report on PROs) in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Cancer Center that can serve as a model for broader implementation of psychosocial screening in children’s cancer programs. In making universal psychosocial screening part of our standard of clinical care in the Cancer Center, we screen patients and caregivers across cancer populations and at three timepoints throughout their cancer treatment trajectory, and we have engaged Cancer Center clinicians in responding to areas flagged for follow up to provide targeted and timely intervention.
Patients, caregivers, and clinicians report that the screening program is acceptable; patients and caregivers have identified the value of screening in illuminating psychosocial stressors and clinicians have noted the value in bringing psychosocial stressors to the forefront of discussion amidst treatment. The uptake has been moderate. Identified barriers include integrating selected screening measures into our Electronic Health Record (EHR) creating challenges with sustainability of the screening program.
Learning Health Network Experience
Being part of the Learning Health Network has validated that we are not alone in some of the challenges we are experiencing, particularly related to Epic integration, and it has been helpful to hear how other teams have problem-solved similar challenges. We can then consider what may or may not work in our setting.
The problem-solving with the Learning Health Network helped us generate potential solutions to address our specific barriers. We also appreciate the opportunity to troubleshoot with other teams that are committed to and engaged in delivery of PROs to their cancer center patients. Our team enjoyed working through the PROTEUS Practice Guide, step by step, accompanied by monthly meetings to discuss strategies.