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Associate Professor in Clinical Oncology, University of Leeds School of Medicine

Full Profile

How do the goals of the PROTEUS Consortium align with your professional interests?
As an academic clinician working in clinical trials and practice with patient reported outcomes (PROs), the work of the consortium to build consensus and optimise the use of PROs in these settings is extremely valuable. The curation of complex data sources in a single website is unique; through providing links to introductory resources, to presentation of cutting edge information in multi-media sources. I’m constantly recommending the PROTEUS resource!

How has being a part of the PROTEUS Consortium benefited your work or research?

Working with this team has been great fun and educational. Working truly internationally has been an excellent opportunity to learn about the application of PROs in different health settings globally and to learn from different stakeholders first hand.

Can you share any specific examples of how you have utilized the resources provided by the PROTEUS Consortium?

I use these resources in my everyday academic and clinical practice. In particular, the guideline papers are there as a constant reference guide and aide memoire to ensure I provide the best advice and application of the use of PROs throughout my practice and research.

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