Use of PROMs to Improve Patient-Centered Monitoring and Management in Transplant or Cellular Therapy
Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinic, Kenneth Meehan (Principal Investigator)
Here you can learn more about the “Use of PROMs to Improve Patient-Centered Monitoring and Management in Transplant or Cellular Therapy,” which is part of the PROTEUS Learning Health Network. The Learning Health Network is focused on improving the use of patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in oncology clinical practice. Also, you can read about the valuable insights that have emerged from their participation in the Learning Health Network.

Ken Meehan, MD
Project Overview
The Transplant and Cellular Therapy team at Dartmouth Health has been using patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) gathered through pre-visit questionnaires to elicit what matters most to patients, to aid in visit agenda setting, and to improve symptom management. The questionnaire responses are combined with other important medical information and displayed in an Epic®-integrated Dashboard that allows providers to easily review PROMs and clinical information. The team has found that the questionnaires contribute to high levels of perceived shared decision making among patients and their providers.
Learning Health Network Experience
The monthly PROTEUS Learning Health Network calls have allowed for bidirectional learning. We have had the opportunity to see and share examples of each of our tools and talk through challenging problems. Our team has been able to leverage some of the lessons learned from other teams to improve upon our own implementation of PROMs.
The PROTEUS Practice Guide was very helpful in making sure that we had considered each important part of the implementation strategy. We found the chapters on identifying and overcoming barriers to be very helpful when designing our tools to ensure that we mitigated potential challenges. Similarly, the tips and strategies discussed in the guide about motivating providers and patients alike to use the tools were very useful as we created provider scripts and patient educational materials. We were sure to clearly explain the purpose and the value of the PROMs. Likewise, the examples of various ways to display PROMs in the electronic medical record was beneficial as we designed our Epic®-integrated Dashboard.